Friday, October 19, 2007

Woo Hoo!!!

So, I'm surprised Jenny hasn't posted anything yet, but I'll go ahead and chime in anyway....

She got the job!!! Specifically, the awesome gallery job she wanted! They were originally hiring for an administrative position, but when they saw her qualifications they basically made a new position just for her. The gallery/studio is for this amazing child prodigy, Akiane Kramarik, who lives with her family over in Post Falls. She's a best selling author and phenomenal painter who's been profiled on Oprah's show among other things.

Well, they're expanding and want to set up a new gallery, and Jenny's going to basically be building a frame shop from the ground up for them. She doesn't have a "first day at work" until Monday, but she's already working - they sent her home from the interview with catalogs and she's starting to figure out what things they're going to need to purchase for the shop.

Jenny's all kinds of excited - this is the perfect job for her, since she'll actually get to use her degree and gallery experience, but it's not retail of any sort and she'll be gaining valuable work experience in her field.

The pay's really good, they're going to offer health benefits and she'll be up for sales based bonuses as well. I'm going to stick it out at my job for a while now that we'll have basically double the income coming in so we can put some aside for savings. We're still looking at moving when our lease is up and looking for a house to rent, but we want to have a good size financial cushion before trying to up and move again. And since she's going to be working in Post falls again, we're not sure if we're going to stay here in the Valley or not. We'll see what happens, I guess....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Peter,
This is some awesome news. Your mom told us to check out your blog because she knew that I have been examining Akiane’s art and poetry for nearly a year now and I have seen God’s hand on everything she does. She has an extraordinary story, and it is just beginning. I am very excided to hear that Jenny is going to be part of what God is doing with Akiane. I know what it is like to fit into a situation so well that it just had to be perfectly planned by someone. My current desktop support job at UNC is exactly like that. All the questions they asked me at the interview and the job description made me look back and see that every job I’ve had in my life up to that time has perfectly prepared me for this job. I have training and experience in very specific areas and in such a combination that so closely matches what they were looking for that they offered me the job at the end of the interview; I’ve never had that happen before. I also have learned what it is like to get-to-go-to work instead of have-to-go-to-work, and to say “I can’t believe they are paying me to do what is just fun to me.” It sounds like from what you have said that Jenny’s training and experience so closely matches what they were looking for that it had to be perfectly planned, and I’m sure it was. Having examined the fruit produced by the relationship Akiane has with God I am sure that Jenny is in for a wonderfully rewarding, uplifting, challenging, and gratifying position in this art gallery. I’m sure the gallery will only continue to grow and Jenny will be a vital contributing member. It will be interesting to see what kinds of frames are chosen for Akiane’s paintings. A frame adds a high level of presentation to a painting, a little like the stage for a play. I excitedly anticipate seeing how God uses Jenny to present Akiane’s work just as I am continually looking with anticipation to see what new insight, understanding, and beauty God and Akiane will produce next. You picked a great wife Peter, or maybe it was planned.

Your Brother-in-law,