My sister turned 26 back on Feb. 21st, and had a good time. My Mom's birthday is coming up on the 21st. I have to close at work, but I might head over during the day to wish her happy birthday. Or, I'll head over with Peter on Thursday after he gets off work if she wants to wait to celebrate then.
Patty called this morning to tell me that my aunt who lives in Post Falls, ID is over her larengitis. In fact I could hear her and Dad laughing over the phone. So that was good. Patty also told me that Mom's sisters were coming up very soon, and was wondering if I was coming over. The memorial for Grandpa is supposed to happen sometime this month, but I don't know when that's happening exactly. Mom's been making quilts for herself and her siblings out of some of Grandpa's shirts and out of other material with scenes that remind her of him. I know she wanted the quilts to be done before the memorial, but I'm not sure how far she is at the moment.
About 2 weeks ago, I house and animal-sat for Jenni while she and family all went down to visit her parents-in-law in Arizona. That was fun. They have a nice house, and funny animals.
On Thursday, it was one of our friend's 29th birthdays. We hadn't spoken in months, but I figured it would still be nice to wish him a happy birthday. It turned out the e-mail address I had for him didn't work anymore, so I spent a couple hours hunting him down with Google, finally finding him through an image search. I got his work e-mail and wished him a happy birthday, and was imediately sent back a message saying that he would be out of the office till Monday.
Hmm. Peter and I also saw some good movies lately, but I'll let him talk about them. -J
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