I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! We went over to Jenny's folks' place for dinner, her Uncle David came up from the Tri-Cities to be with us and Aunt Joan came over later, after dinner (she works at Walmart and had to work during the day). The dinner was great, although I've been sick most of the week and was pretty much knocked out all day. I spent the post-dinner part of the day curled up in a blanket, doped up on cold medicine, drifting in and out of sleep. I felt about the same this morning, so I called in sick, just trying to take it easy all day.
Jenny's tattoos came out really cool. I would have pictures to put up, but the digi-cam decided to just stop working all of a sudden for some reason. Lucky got started late and Jenny's piece took longer than planned, so he didn't have time to work on mine. But he got me pencilled in for tomorrow, so hopefully soon I won't have this half finished superhero on my leg anymore. :)
Jamie came over today to watch movies and Most Haunted, since Jenny had the day off from work. Tigger should be coming over soon to watch our normal silly Friday night TV (Ghost Whisperer, Moonlight, Numb3rs). Oh, and tonight's Numb3rs takes place at a comic convention, so that should be entertaining.
Nothing too terribly exciting going on, otherwise. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
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